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Zero Score: Anxiety Speaking the Language of Dreams

Dreams are like whispers from our subconscious. Sometimes filled with joy, sometimes with anxiety, these whispers reflect thoughts and feelings we may not be aware of in our daily lives. Getting a zero on an exam is a fairly common theme in the dream world, and it often reflects our anxieties, insecurities, and fear of failure.
A Mirror to Fear of Failure
Getting a zero on an exam often signifies a strong fear of failure. This fear can stem from difficulties experienced in work life, social relationships, or in achieving personal goals. The exam becomes a symbol where these fears are materialized, and the disappointment of getting a zero in a dream reflects our anxieties in real life. According to Ibn Sirin, failing an exam is a sign that one's efforts to achieve their goals in life are insufficient. Sayyid Suleyman also states that getting a zero on an exam in a dream indicates that the person feels inadequate and believes they will not succeed.
Traces of Lack of Preparation
Dreaming of getting a zero on an exam can also symbolize that we are not knowledgeable enough about a topic and that we lack preparation. This situation can arise not only in academic life but also in different areas of life. In situations like starting a new job, a relationship, or a personal development journey, feeling inadequate and the fear of failing can affect our dreams. Ibn Nablusi states that getting a zero on an exam in a dream reflects a person's anxieties that they do not feel adequately prepared and may therefore fail.
Testing of Self-Confidence
Dreaming of getting a zero on an exam can also reflect a period where our self-confidence and belief in ourselves are being tested. Feeling like we are going to fail this exam in a dream may be a harbinger of a situation in real life where we feel inadequate or worry about failing. Talim al-Hakim states that failing an exam in a dream indicates that the person's confidence in their own abilities is weak.
Whispers of the Subconscious: Jung and Freud's Perspectives
In the studies of Jung and Freud, dreams reflect the symbolic language of our subconscious. According to Jung, dreaming of getting a zero on an exam may be a symbol of an obstacle in the person's subconscious or an inner conflict. Freud interprets this dream as a reflection of repressed fears, desires, and feelings of guilt.
Lessons of the Dream
Dreaming of getting a zero on an exam is usually an anxiety-provoking experience. However, this dream offers us an opportunity to re-evaluate ourselves and our goals. It helps us realize our fears of failure, feelings of inadequacy, and insecurities about ourselves. We can also interpret this dream as a hint about where we need to put in more effort in our lives. According to Abdullah bin Abbas, failing an exam in a dream is a sign that the person needs to improve themselves and put in more effort.
The Journey of Understanding Dreams
Dreams are a reflection of our lives. Therefore, dreaming of getting a zero on an exam can help us understand our real-life anxieties, fears, and goals. This dream presents us with an opportunity to explore ourselves and our lives more deeply. Imam Ghazali says that dreams are a journey into a person's own inner world, and our subconscious sends us messages.
Dreaming of getting a zero on an exam reminds us that life is sometimes a challenging and disappointing journey. However, this journey also presents valuable opportunities to get to know ourselves, face our fears, and develop our self-confidence.