Dream Meaning Portal
Alphabetic Dream Catalog
Sweeping in your dream can be a reflection of your quest for cleanliness and order in your life. The meaning of this scenario can vary depending on the details of the place you swept and the act of sweeping itself. Let's analyze your dream together and provide you with a clearer interpretation.
Meaning of the Act of Sweeping
Cleanliness and Purification: The act of sweeping in your dream could indicate that you are seeking to cleanse your life of some negative thoughts, habits, or relationships. This sweeping can reflect a desire for spiritual and emotional renewal.
A New Beginning: It can also express your desire to get rid of things that are bothering you and start over, leaving the past behind and looking to the future with hope. Sweeping can symbolize the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
Self-Control and Discipline: Sweeping in a dream may also represent your desire to better organize yourself and your life, to live a more structured and disciplined life.
Getting Rid of Unnecessary Things: It can symbolize your need to get rid of things that tire you out and negatively affect your life, and your desire to free yourself from unnecessary burdens.
The Place You Swept and Its Meaning
Your Home: Sweeping your home may express your desire for peace and order in your family life and home. It shows your desire for improvement in your relationships with your family or creating a happier and more peaceful environment in your home.
Your Workplace: Sweeping your workplace may symbolize your desire to overcome challenges you face in your professional life and to make a fresh start.
The Street: Sweeping the streets may express your sense of responsibility towards the community and your sensitivity to your surroundings.
Religious Interpretations
Ibn Sirin: The dream interpreter Ibn Sirin says that the act of sweeping in a dream symbolizes struggling to make a living and a person's desire to be cleansed of their sins.
Imam Ghazali: Imam Ghazali states that the act of sweeping in a dream represents the effort a person makes to overcome obstacles they encounter in their spiritual journey.
Freud: According to Freud, the act of sweeping symbolizes a person's need to cleanse and release suppressed emotions in their subconscious.
Jung: According to Jung's interpretation, sweeping represents a person's attempt to cleanse their inner world and create a more harmonious relationship between their subconscious and conscious.
Dream interpretation is personal and is only intended as a general guide. The specific details of the place you swept and the act of sweeping in your dream can provide you with more information about the true meaning of the dream. Try to remember your dream in detail and consider these details, remembering that your dream has a special meaning for you.