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Did You Dream of Getting a Simit? Here's What It Means!
It is one of the oldest and most basic instincts of mankind to believe that everything we see in our dreams has a meaning. Especially objects that we encounter frequently in everyday life, such as a simit, can have a distinct meaning in dreams. So, if you dreamed of getting a simit, are you wondering what it means?
Simit: A Symbol of Culture
Simit is not just a food, it is also a symbol of culture. Especially widespread during the Ottoman period, simit is still a food that is consumed by a large segment of the population today. Therefore, seeing simit in a dream can represent a message from the dreamer's past, roots, or culture.
Abdullah bin Abbas's Perspective:
Abdullah bin Abbas is a scholar who emphasizes the importance of symbolism when interpreting dreams. According to him, simit can represent a matter that plays an important role in the life of the person who sees it in their dream, but which is not as simple as it seems. Simit can reflect a thought or feeling of the dreamer that appears on the surface of their mind but whose deeper meaning is hidden.
Nablusi's (Ibn Nablusi) Interpretation:
Nablusi interprets seeing simit in a dream as a sign of the challenges and struggles the dreamer faces in social life. The round shape of the simit can represent the cycle of life, and the sesame seeds on the simit can represent the difficulties experienced in this cycle. Dreaming of getting a simit may indicate that the person will overcome these difficulties.
From Ibn Sirin's Point of View:
According to Ibn Sirin, simit is a symbol of blessing and abundance in the dreamer's life. Dreaming of getting a simit may indicate that the person will become rich materially and spiritually. However, the way in which the dreamer received the simit is also important in the interpretation. For example, a simit received from another person may indicate that the person will receive support in their life, while a simit received by their own efforts may indicate that the person will reap the fruits of their own success.
Seyyid Süleyman's Perspective:
Seyyid Süleyman interprets seeing simit in a dream as a sign of positive changes that will take place in the person's life. Simit can symbolize an event that will bring a new beginning, a new journey, or a new stage to the person's life.
Talim al-Hakim's Interpretation:
Talim al-Hakim considers it important to take into account the dreamer's personal life and state of mind when interpreting dreams. Dreaming of getting a simit may reflect an event the person has recently experienced or a situation they are facing. For example, dreaming of getting a simit before an exam may indicate that the person is stressed and anxious.
Imam Ghazali's View:
Imam Ghazali views dreams as a mirror that reflects the messages of the dreamer's subconscious mind. Dreaming of getting a simit may represent a desire, a need, or a longing that exists in the person's subconscious mind. This desire may be one of the person's basic needs, such as feeling secure, belonging, or being loved.
Jung's Psychological Interpretation:
According to Jung, dreaming of simit may be connected to the archetypes that lie in the person's subconscious mind. Simit, with its round shape, can represent the feeling of wholeness and completeness, and with its sesame seeds, it can represent symbols of fertility and abundance. Dreaming of getting a simit may reveal a power or potential that exists within the person but has not reached the level of consciousness.
Freud's Psychoanalytic Interpretation:
Freud sees dreams as a space where the person's repressed desires and wishes surface. Dreaming of getting a simit may represent the person's unfulfilled needs, their search for pleasure, or their sexual desires. Simit can symbolize a source of pleasure or an erotic object in the person's life.
Discovering the Personal Meaning of Your Dream:
These interpretations can help you understand the general meaning of dreaming of getting a simit, but the real meaning of your dream is connected to your personal experiences, feelings, and the events you are living through. Other symbols in your dream, such as the color, shape, taste of the simit, how and from whom you got it, are also important factors in the interpretation. Most importantly, listen to your inner voice and ask yourself what your dream is trying to tell you, what this dream means to you. Discovering the message unique to your dream will be a significant step in accompanying you on your life journey.