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What Do Ruins Say in the Language of Dreams?
In the language of dreams, ruins can be interpreted as symbols of remnants of the past, forgotten memories, abandoned dreams, and lost hopes. Seeing the ruins of a structure that was once alive and bustling can be a sign that you are in a period of change in your life, perhaps the end of a relationship, a career, or a life path.
Ruins, the Secret Messages of Dreams
1. Facing the Past: The ruins in your dream may point to a period that was important to you but is now in the past. This period may be the end of a relationship, a career, or a life path. Ruins can remind you that you need to leave the past behind and make a new beginning.
2. Loss and Despair: Ruins in your dream can be associated with a sense of loss, despair, and emptiness. Perhaps you have lost something important in the past, and you still haven't overcome it. Ruins can be a reminder of something that is no longer there, and it can be a call for you to accept this feeling.
3. Change and Rebirth: Ruins can symbolize the transition between destruction and renewal. An old structure can be destroyed and replaced by a new one. This may indicate that a change, a transformation is taking place in your life. Ruins can indicate that this change may be difficult, perhaps even painful. However, remember that after this destruction, a new beginning, new hope, and a new life can be born.
4. Forgotten Memories: The ruins in your dream may also point to forgotten memories or suppressed emotions. Perhaps you have forgotten an experience or a relationship you had in the past. Ruins can be a call for you to remember these memories and face them.
5. Self-Criticism: Ruins in your dream can be an indication that you may be criticizing yourself. Perhaps you have lost faith in yourself and feel inadequate. Ruins can be a reminder for you to realize your own worth and regain your self-confidence.
Ruins Through the Eyes of Dream Interpreters
1. Abdullah bin Abbas: Abdullah bin Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad and a great scholar, sees ruins as a structure that symbolizes the remnants of the past, abandoned dreams, and forgotten memories when interpreting dreams. Ruins remind us of bad experiences and feelings of loss from the past.
2. Nablusi (Ibn Nablusî): Nablusi, a great Islamic scholar and dream interpreter, associates ruins with destruction, sadness, despair, and loneliness. Seeing ruins in your dream may indicate that you are experiencing these emotions and need to deal with them.
3. Ibn Sirin: Ibn Sirin, a prominent Islamic dream interpreter who lived in the 10th century, interprets ruins as the collapse of dreams, the end of a career, the end of a relationship, a change in life path, or a loss.
4. Seyyid Süleyman: Seyyid Süleyman sees ruins as a representation of remnants of the past and forgotten memories. Ruins remind you that you need to remember the events of the past and confront them.
5. Talim al-Hakim: Talim al-Hakim sees ruins as an indicator of negative emotions such as loss, despair, disappointment, and loneliness. Seeing ruins in your dream may indicate that these emotions have taken hold of you.
6. Imam Gazali: Imam Gazali, a great Islamic scholar and Sufi thinker, interprets ruins as symbols of the remnants of the past, abandoned dreams, forgotten memories, and lost hopes. Ruins remind us of bad experiences and feelings of loss from the past.
7. Carl Gustav Jung: Carl Gustav Jung, a pioneer in the field of psychology, sees ruins as a symbol of going deep into the subconscious and confronting suppressed emotions.
8. Sigmund Freud: Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, interprets ruins as a representation of childhood traumas, suppressed memories, and emotions hidden in the subconscious.
To understand the message of your dreams, think about the topics that ruins could represent in your own life. Ruins may be a warning that you need to break free from your past and make a new beginning. Try to figure out what your dream wants to tell you and make the necessary changes in your life.