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Hot and Cold in Your Dreams: A Journey in Search of Meaning

Dreams are complex and enigmatic worlds that carry hidden messages from our subconscious minds. These messages reflect our emotions, thoughts, and experiences. The appearance of basic elements like hot and cold in our dreams can signal that something is changing or about to change. Here are different perspectives on what hot and cold in your dreams might mean:
Hot and Cold: The Dance of Opposites
According to Abdullah bin Abbas, hotness often represents goodness, prosperity, and enlightenment, while coldness symbolizes distress, loss, and darkness. Ibn Nablusi offers a similar interpretation, describing hotness as a force that brings happiness, blessings, and goodness. Coldness, on the other hand, represents the opposite of these positive attributes. Ibn Sirin associates hotness with warm feelings like love, affection, and friendship, while he connects coldness with alienation, loneliness, and distance.
The Inner Strength of Hotness
According to Seyyid Suleyman, being in a hot environment in a dream indicates that the person is spiritually strong and balanced. This person is unaffected by negativity around them, confident, and finds inner peace. Talim al-Hakim interprets hotness as a symbol that reflects a person's inner fire, passion, and energy. This hotness is a force that motivates, inspires creativity, and encourages a more active attitude towards life.
Coldness: Stagnation and Distance
According to Imam Ghazali, feeling cold in a dream indicates a person's spiritual stagnation, inner conflicts, or emotional numbness. The person might feel lonely, unhappy, and hopeless. From Jung's perspective, coldness can symbolize repressed emotions, fears, or traumatic experiences in a person's subconscious. The person avoids facing these emotions and therefore feels surrounded by a cold loneliness.
The Conflict Between Hot and Cold
According to Freud's psychoanalytic interpretations, the conflict between hot and cold symbolizes the struggle between a person's subconscious sexual urges and social rules. Hotness is associated with repressed sexual desires, while coldness represents the pressure exerted by social norms and prohibitions. This conflict can lead to difficulties in a person's efforts to achieve spiritual balance.
Understanding the Story of Your Dream
These interpretations can act as a guide to help you understand the perception of hot and cold in your dream. However, to fully decipher the meaning of your dream, other symbols, the feelings you experienced, and what you lived through must also be taken into account. Understanding your dream can guide you to better understand your personal journey and make more conscious decisions in your life.
Remember, the messages of our dreams are personal, and each dream carries different meanings. These interpretations can give you a general idea, but focusing on your inner world and experiences in your life is important to understand the true meaning of your dream.